Green IVF:
Dr Vasavi Hospital have launched the Green IVF for couples who have failed to conceive a baby and have been on the look-out for a new form of treatment. Natural Cycle Green IVF could be the best available option for it could be less expensive than the IVF.
Natural Cycle Green IVF is becoming relevant in today’s world, due to its basic and easy schedule and also mainly for its low or negligible stimulation protocol. It is often a cheaper treatment than the usual IVF for couples and the results are often comparable to the normal IVF process.
Natural cycle IVF has been appreciated due to holding several advantages over standard IVF such as the elimination of the risk of ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome (OHSS), cumbersome gonadotropin injections, deficient production of embryos and the elimination of multiple pregnancies.
IVF process is fairly straightforward involves collecting and fertilizing the one egg that you release during your normal monthly cycle. Negligible fertility drugs are used in Green IVF treatment. Doctors will regularly check the body cycle to control the exact timing of your egg retrieval. The egg is fertilized and the resulting embryo is shifted back into the uterus. after a couple of week later, pregnancy test is done to check for progress. The fact that only one embryo is transferred, the chance of multiple births is almost near zero making the process highly advisable to women who are not susceptible to hyper-stimulation.
Natural Cycle Green IVF is becoming a trend as well as medically acceptable because of its simple schedule and low or almost negligible stimulation protocol. It is cheaper conventional IVF, with results that are comparable to the normal IVF.
How is Green IVF different?
Natural cycle IVF collects and fertilizes the one egg that woman release during their normal monthly cycle. The best bit about the Green IVF is the minimal use of fertility drugs to stimulate the egg production and doctors will check all the time to find the best timing for egg retrieval. After the egg has been retrieved and fertilized, the embryo will be transferred back into the uterus while the doctors will conduct a pregnancy test two weeks later. Multiple births can’t happen due to the fact that only one embryo is transferred.